Interview for BuildBookBuzz

Screenshot from the blog post including an image with the title: Adva Shaviv’s Twitter Community header. Above it, the header, comprising of a glowing blue book with glitters on a black background with several stars. Also, the Community's name: Reading with ADHD and Friends, and the Community's description: Joys and horrors of reading with ADHD, tips for easier reading/ listening, book recs, rants and lots of support. Other neurodivergents & friends welcome too!

Twitter Communities 101: How to Build a Meaningful Group with Tweets

“Adva Shaviv, who writes fantasy inspired by ADHD, created Reading with ADHD & Friends about three weeks ago to form a community around a shared interest — reading with ADHD.

"Her group’s description, 'Joys and horrors of reading with ADHD, tips for easier reading/ listening, book recs, rants and lots of support. Other neurodivergents & friends welcome too!,' defines what members can expect.”

Read full post by Sandra Beckwith in the BuildBookBuzz blog

In the meantime, I have opened, aside from the Twitter community, two more "Reading with ADHD" communities: a Discord server and a Facebook group. Hope to see you there!